Best Case: The best case occurs when the first two elements of the array sum to the target.
Worst Case: The worst case occurs when no two elements sum to the target, requiring a full traversal of the array.
Explanation to Interviewer:
“In solving the Two Sum problem, I would use a hash map to track the required complements of each number as I iterate through the list. This allows me to check for pairs in linear time.”
Code Implementation:
function twoSum(arr, target) {
const map = new Map();
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
const complement = target - arr[i];
if (map.has(complement)) {
return [map.get(complement), i];
map.set(arr[i], i);
return [];
const arr = [0, -1, 2, -3, 1];
const target = -2;
console.log(twoSum(arr, target)); // Output: [0, 2]
def two_sum(arr, target):
num_map = {}
for i, num in enumerate(arr):
complement = target - num
if complement in num_map:
return [num_map[complement], i]
num_map[num] = i
return []
arr = [0, -1, 2, -3, 1]
target = -2
print(two_sum(arr, target)) # Output: [0, 2]